What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to treat a wide range of mental and physical health issues. Hypnotherapists use a variety of techniques to induce relaxation, which allows them to access the subconscious mind. Once in this state, they can explore your thoughts and memories and reprogram your behaviors so you feel better both mentally and physically.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method of communication that uses relaxation and suggestion. It helps you to change your thoughts or behaviors, by relaxing you into a state where suggestions can be more easily accepted.

It is a powerful form of therapy that can be used to treat a wide variety of issues, including anxiety and depression. It works by helping you to change your thoughts or behaviors. The technique was developed by the psychotherapist Milton Erickson. He used hypnotherapy to treat a wide range of issues, including anxiety and depression. Hypnotherapy can also be used to process trauma.

Your subconscious mind can influence your actions even when you’re awake.

The subconscious mind is the part of your brain that controls automatic functions. You don’t need to think about things like breathing, digestion and heartbeat; your subconscious does it for you.

The same goes for many other things too: the way you walk or hold yourself depends on how you’ve been taught by others; how much food and drink you take in is controlled by signals from your stomach; even what clothes feel comfortable against your skin are often decided by unconscious factors like how you feel in your body!

These examples show how important it can be to understand what’s happening beneath our conscious awareness – especially when we’re trying to change our habits or behaviors.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention. It’s what happens when you’re so engrossed in a book or movie that the rest of the world fades away, or when you’re completely absorbed in an activity like cooking or gardening. In this state, your subconscious mind is more active than usual and can receive suggestions from your therapist much more easily than if you were fully awake. Your conscious mind–the part that thinks about things like social norms and worries about whether people will think I’m weird for doing this–will be less active as well.

Is it safe?

Hypnotherapy is a natural state of mind. It’s not unusual for people to experience hypnosis and not realize it, because it feels like they are just relaxing and daydreaming. If you have ever been so absorbed in an activity that time seemed to pass quickly without your noticing, then you have been in a light trance state.

Hypnosis is safe and ethical–it’s even used by doctors to help patients cope with pain during surgery or childbirth. In fact, there are no known cases of anyone being hurt by hypnotherapy (unless they were undergoing general anesthesia at the same time). The only side effects reported by participants are positive ones: relaxation or feeling more confident about themselves after treatment ends.

Who can benefit from hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for change and healing. It can be used to help people with a wide range of issues, from sleep disorders to PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Hypnosis also has an important role to play in the treatment of pain management. Hypnosis provides positive suggestions that help the body release unprocessed trauma from the body without having to go through the trauma again (which would cause further pain).

So, what is hypnotherapy? Well, it’s a very powerful form of therapy that can help you overcome your fears and change your life for the better. It helps by allowing you to access a state of deep relaxation where it becomes easier to think clearly about what’s causing these problems and how best to deal with them.

For more information on Hypnotherapy read this article.

To speak to Kara about if hypnotherapy is right for you request a consultation.

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